Low-e Argon Filled Gas Windows are Standard in our Green Home Building

Posted on 15th October, 2015

ArgonWindowsWeb240Pix.jpgToday, in our ongoing series highlighting the standard green features of our custom built homes in Oklahoma, we will dive into the argon-filled low-e windows.  First, the “what.” Argon is a colorless, odorless gas that is denser than the atmosphere. It is inert, meaning that it’s nonreactive and occurs naturally in the Earth’s atmosphere. To provide more thermal efficiency than air, manufacturers can put this gas between the panes of a double or triple-paned window.


After reading the “what”, the “why” may obvious, and on the surface it is, but stay with us. There is much more to it than meets the eye.  Because argon gas functions as an insulator, regulating both the summer and winter indoor temperatures, there is a notable energy efficiency benefit. If you compare the heat reflecting capabilities of plain air and argon gas, the latter wins, hands-down. This helps keep unwanted heat out and wanted warmth in, ensuring your home’s climate remains stable regardless of the season.


Low-e argon gas filled windows is also effective at increasing or decreasing solar gain, depending on your needs. Simply put, it helps those who live in a warmer climate decrease solar gain and those in a colder region increase solar gain.


Now that you understand argon gas and its purpose, we’ll move on to the term “low-e”, which often goes hand-in-hand with these special windows. This refers to a low emissivity coating film that is applied to the glass, which helps to keep the interior pane closer to the home’s interior air temperature. This minimizes cold spots and drafts from air currents that occur with the collision of two different temperatures. The film (or glaze, as it’s often referred to) also helps protect against the harmful ultraviolet rays while still enabling visible light to come through. A detail to note: the softer the coat you choose, the better insulation benefit you will enjoy.


As you might guess, using low-e argon gas filled windows is a bit pricier than the ordinary windows commonly found in other custom built homes in Oklahoma, but ultimately it saves you money. This special green feature makes your home operate more efficiently, which significantly lowers your monthly energy bills going forward. When you do the math, the outcome is indisputable.


As one of the top custom home builders in the state, our goal is to not only ensure you have the home of your dreams, but to educate you on the components of that home. Should you have any questions on this or any other feature, we invite you to contact us at your convenience.